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HBO Max Original Series “Love Life”” Is a Millennial Love Story That Works.

Updated: Jun 3, 2020

If you are wondering what the show is about, think of Netflix’s 2019 Movie “Someone Great”, but in an anthology series. If you are a rom-com lover, like myself, you will binge through the Series ““Love Life” in record time. The 10-Episode Series was part of the HBO Max Original Series Package that launched on May 27th and is in part Executive-Produced by comedic-legend Paul Feig with Anna Kendrick. While HBO Max is primarily a movie destination, housing thousands of titles in its impressive library, it also launched a few new original series to go along with its premier. “Love Life” is one of them.

“Love Life” follows Darby, a twenty-something New Yorker that feels like her relationships are consistent dead ends. The series starts with Darby moving to New York City in 2012 and meeting Augie, one of her first loves shortly after graduating from NYU. Each episode is titled after the different people that she is dating at different points in her life. HBO Max has so far released three episodes and will be following the common distribution method that HULU has implemented, give the viewers enough episodes to get them hooked, and then string them along week by week with a new release. Well it’s working, I’m subscribing.

The heart of the show is Anna Kendrick, who plays the main character, Darby, who might have made it back into the mainstream after wandering in various un-exciting projects for the past several years. The value of Anna Kendrick is that she is like-able in most of the roles that she plays, you can see yourself in her adventures…or more commonly mis-steps in love.

“Love Life” is most notably a millennial rom-com, except instead of being restricted by an hour and twenty-minute movie run-time, it allows Darby to explore multiple relationships, loves and one-night stands in a series of 45-minute episodes. The themes of friendships, relationships feel so apparent and relatable to people in their twenties, it makes you feel nostalgic for the early days of dating and we can view the interactions that Darby has and remember similar times in our lives where we felt the same.

We’ve all gathered in the living room with our friends, roommates after a date to dissect each piece of the relationship from the night before. Like it or not, we’ve insta-stalked exes and their new girlfriends while drinking wine with our friends in the living room on a Friday night. We’ve had heartbreaks and triumphs and everything in-between. The key to making “Love Life” work is that it feels….real. While we all love rom-coms, there are certain un-realistic expectations that come with each one. “Love Life” feels honest because frankly, most of us can relate to the experiences that Darby is going through and that’s what gives the show its legs – its relatable. There are no Prince Charming’s and love does not always come with grand gestures, but that shouldn’t make it any less real.

I am sure that most twenty-year olds that watch this show will find pieces of themselves, their friends, or significant others in the characters and that is what will keep people coming back.

Although the series is only available on HBO Max, Roku and Amazon Fire Stick have not reached an agreement about allow the App to appear on their streaming device. For now, the only way to consume is via website or on HDMI Cord.

Are you going to tune into the 10-Episode Series? You should!

And that’s the sitch.

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