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10 Bombshells Dropped During Oprah’s Interview with Prince Harry and Meghan Markle.

The “Institution,” as Prince Harry and Meghan Markle refer to “The Crown,” has financially cut them off as they step away from The Royal Duties as Senior Members of The Royal Family. A year after Harry and Meghan dropped the bombshell decision that they will be stepping away from their royal duties, Oprah sits down with the former Prince of England to discuss their transition into normal life and ultimately, how they were led down this path.

It’s not just one event, as Meghan communicates in her first two-hour sit-down interview with Oprah on CBS, that led them to leave the monarchy. It was a repetitive occurrence of actions that forced them to leave in order salvage their marriage and mental health. The interview marked a huge shift in the landscape as previously, Senior Members of The Royals are not allowed to engage in interviews of this scale, or frankly give interviews at all. The sit down began one on one with Meghan and Oprah for the first hour, as they address the audience stating that the interview is operating under these three dynamics:

1) No Topic is Off Limits

2) Topics Had Not Been Discussed Prior to the Sit Down

3) Prince Harry and Meghan Markle were not receiving financial incentives for the program.

No topic was off limits as Oprah addresses the rumors, scandals and gossip swarming around Meghan and what British Tabloids have dubbed “Mexit” following their departure from the UK a little over a year ago. There were several bombshells that were dropped during the two-hour interview and I am dissecting them below.

Princess Kate made Meghan Cry v. The Other Way Around

In the earlier conversation, Oprah asked Meghan to address the validity to the rumor published by the British Tabloids stating that Meghan made Princess Kate cry over Princess Charlotte’s Flower Girl Dress. Meghan calls it a lie and said that it was actually the other way around. The argument between Kate and Meghan caused Meghan to cry – little details were discussed about why other than the fact that the argument occurred months before it had been published in the Press. Meghan noted that Kate apologized and all had been forgiven.

Prince Harry and Meghan were married in Private prior to their Televised Ceremony

Stating that the reason behind their decision was to honor each other in the marriage and the televised ceremony was for the world, Meghan revealed that they were married in private by the Archbishop of Canterbury three days before the world watched. They also had separate, personal vows specific to their intimate ceremony.

The Family and the Institution of the Monarchy are different,

Meghan made it very clear in the early conversations that the Institution and The Royal Family are vastly different. The Institution or, The Firm, are the advisors behind the scenes, perpetuating the expectations of the monarchy, but that The Family operates as a separate entity underneath the umbrella of “The Institution.”

Prince Harry’s Family is Financially Cut Off From “The Institution”

While we know that Harry and Meghan walked away due to the pressure they were under, we didn’t know that they have financially been cut off since early 2020. Prince Harry mentions that they were living off of what his mother, Princess Diana, left him citing that he guessed she might have known that he would need it when he wanted a way out of the Institution that treated her so poorly.

Prince Charles stopped answering Prince Harry’s Calls

Harry drops a bombshell when addressing his decision to exit the Royal Family, saying that for a time his father, Prince Charles, “didn’t answer his calls.” When referring to his relationship with his father, it seemed the most strained and said that there is a lot that needed to be worked through, but will always love him.

Prince Harry and Meghan Have Watched “The Crown”

When asked about their reference to history repeating itself, Harry referenced one of their breaking points in their issues with The Royal Family happened after their Australian Tour. Oprah quickly jumped on the issue, citing if there had been bad blood between the Tour in reference to Princess Diana and Prince Charles’ Tour of Australia depicted in Netflix’s Drama Series “The Crown.” Meghan and Harry deflected, but mentioned that they have seen parts of the show.

Prince Harry and Prince William Have Split Ways

At the mention of Harry’s brother, Prince William, the future King of England, Harry mentions that the two have split ways. While he still “loves him to bits,” and communicates that there is a general understanding between them as they grew up together and survived the trauma of their mother’s death at such a young age, Harry confesses that he believes William, and the entire Royal Family, are trapped.

Insinuation that Harry and Meghan’s baby was profiled due to race

In one of the most shocking revelations, Meghan revealed that there were conversations in The Palace, surrounding the birth of Archie and his race, directly asking the question of the implications of his skin color. The discussion was also supported by Prince Harry when he joins her later, but used the phrase “No Comment” when Oprah pressed him on who the source of these conversations came from.

Meghan Markle considered suicide during her time at The Palace

Perhaps the saddest part of the interview comes when Meghan confesses that there were months where she was unable to leave The Palace due to the Press attacking her character. In the span of four months, she was only able to leave twice. The lies and vitriol directed towards her was not acknowledged by The Palace, or The Institution. Despite confessing her mental health to Harry and The Institution, they were both told that nothing could be done. Meghan tearfully confesses to Oprah that there were times when she considered ending her life.

It’s A Girl and It’s their Last

In a rule-breaking reveal, Harry and Meghan announced the gender of their baby to the world. At the beginning of the interview, Meghan addresses that they know the gender of their baby and she will reveal once Harry joins her. After the first hour, Harry and Meghan reveal that they are having a baby girl and it will, most likely, be their last. The baby girl is due this Summer.

Lot’s left to dissect and I am sure we will hear more backlash tomorrow after it airs in The UK.

As American’s we love to spill that British Tea.

And that’s the tea (sitch).

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