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HBO Max Series "Starstruck" Proves Rom-Coms can be Made for TV.

Hey Rom-Com Lovers, where you at?

I have a new streaming recommendation for you coming from my new, personal favorite streaming site, HBO Max. Besides a somewhat bumpy start for the streaming platform, HBO Max has amazing content coming down the line (looking at you, Gossip Girl Re-Boot, xoxo) and some that has already arrived. That’s right, this week I am covering my new favorite romantic-comedy series “Starstruck.” I guarantee, I can hook you with the plot, but if not, trailer below:

Jessie (Rose Matafeo) is a New Zealander in Hackney, London who lives life with no regrets. Flying by the seat of her pants most of her life, Jessie doesn’t think most of her choices through. Including going home mysterious man from the club that she meets on New Year’s Eve and why should she? She has never cared before.

But when she wakes up the next morning, she realizes that she is waking up in the bed of London’s number one up-and-coming film star, Tom (Nikesh Patel). Utterly amazed and equally confused, Jessie has no idea what Tom might be doing with someone like her. Expecting their one-night stand to be just another re-bound, she avoids him in the next coming weeks, deciding that his life and hers, is better separate.

Tom is a very famous film star living in London that wants nothing more than a relatively normal love-life. Despite his over-eager and over-involved publicist (Minny Driver) insisting that Tom should be with a celebrity of equal status, he can’t get Jessie out of his mind. Even though they are operating very different life-styles and at times, it seems, very different worlds. Tom and Jessie begin dating but both their personal and professional lives implode when the media gets involved.

If I had to compare it to anything, think a new, fresh and fun twist on “Notting Hill” (roles reversed, obviously) mixed in with some millennial mayhem and more inappropriate comedic situations. Rose Matafeo co-writes and co-stars in this extremely witty and love-able comedy and is joined by the beautiful and charismatic Nikesh Patel (Hulu’s “Four Weddings and Funeral”).

“Starstruck" easily proves that rom-coms aren’t just made for the movies anymore, they can be enjoyed and adored on our streaming screens as well.

Season 1 is available to stream now on HBO Max.

And that's the sitch.

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