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Last Christmas (2019) Movie Review and Other Holiday Rom-Coms

There are Holiday Movies and then there are Holiday Rom-Coms – sometimes they make you cry, sometimes they make you laugh and sometimes they are so cheesy you want to cringe (looking at you Hallmark). But there are so many and with the newly released Holiday Rom-Com “Last Christmas” – I’m re-capping and taking a look at the best holiday rom-coms to date. (Fun Fact: most include London)

But before we get to the list, I have to start with the release of “Last Christmas” – it had all the formula requirements that you can expect from a Holiday Movie; two popular charming leads, a comedic producer attached to the project and an unlikely twist to capture your attention. It has it all – and it delivers, kind of. It is endearing in almost all capacities, but the plot tries to be too many things that although you leave the theatre happy, you are left trying to remember why you bought the ticket in the first place.

The movie centers around Katerina, “Kate” (Emilia Clarke), who fled formerly known Yugoslavia with her family when she was young. Kate’s mom is played by Emma Thompson who actually co-wrote the script with Paul Feig. We find Kate working at a year-round Christmas Shop in Covent Garden in London. What we know about Kate is that she is essentially living homeless, bouncing from couch to couch to find a place to sleep trying to audition for various musicals. We quickly find out that Kate had been sick the previous year and because of it – she has distanced herself from her family and her responsibilities. You later find out that Kate had has a heart transplant the year before.

Until she meets….Tom. Isn’t that always the case? On a bad day at work, Kate bumps into Tom (Henry Golding) while outside her Christmas Shop. Tom is kind, optimistic and the exact opposite of Kate in every way. As they spend more and more time together, Tom takes Kate on romantic dates but is always evasive when it comes to the end of the night and he disappears, gone for many days at a time.

Spoiler alert – do not read anymore if you don’t want the story spoiled.

Tom is doesn’t have a phone, Tom disappears for days on end, Tom is too perfect – so what’s the catch? Well here comes the twist – if you can call it that, just want to say I saw it coming a mile away – but the movie “Last Christmas” takes the WHAM! Song very seriously, almost verbatim. I’m talking about the line:

“Last Christmas I gave you my heart”

Did ya guess it? Tom isn’t real – well he was, but not anymore. Last Christmas, Tom died in a biking accident and he was an organ donor, who donated his heart to….Kate. Yes, that’s right. The entire movie, Kate has been all alone and Tom hasn’t been there. It is a pretty significant twist in what you would call a stereotypical romantic comedy and I would say this is where the movie delivers its impact.

There is nothing wrong with a Rom-Com when it’s done right. There are many other facets in the movie that try to work, but don’t spend enough time dwelling on its impact for it to actually count. For example, one of the other central plot elements is the story of Kate and her family and their immigration from Yugoslavia into the UK in 2017. It should work, there is a story there, but they ultimately spend their time trying to tell two pieces of the story instead of picking a lane – it would ultimately work better.

Is it worth it? Absolutely, if you like gooey, cute romantic comedies – then yes. Backed by a George Michael and WHAM! Soundtrack its adorable and good. For movies like this, it matters more what the audience things v. critics and then audience score is at 81%. It’s cute and it’s worth it. Go see it.

Also, this movie proves that Last Christmas by WHAM is the best and only cover that we should listen to ....ever.

Besides, if we don’t support movies like this, they will be forced to be released on streaming services only – more to come here later.


So with the release of "Last Christmas" – I have to re-evaluate my Top 5 Romantic Comedy Christmas Movies every year and here’s the list. If you haven’t seen these, shame on you and watch them now.

5. Christmas With the Kranks (2004)

Jamie Lee Curtis and Tim Allen – 100% yes. Christmas With the Kranks (2004). The Kranks trying to vacate home for the holidays and catch a cruise find themselves competing against their neighbors to win the annual "best decorated street” and it turns out, competing to see who has the most Holiday Spirit. Its cheesy and corny and its everything you want from a holiday movie….just don’t look at the Rotten Tomato score.

4. While You Were Sleeping (1995)

Ok, might not be a stereotypical Holiday Rom-Com, but it’s a Rom-Com….that takes place at the holidays so I am counting it. A young Sandra Bullock stars as Lucy an EL Operator in Chicago who witnesses a man (Peter Gallagher) fall on the EL Tracks – saving his life, she takes him to the hospital where she accidentally confesses that she is in love with him. Worse than the hospital overhearing – his family begin to believe that Lucy is his girlfriend and they invite her into the family for the holidays while they wait for Peter to come out of his Coma. Unable to tell his loud, lovable family that they are not together – Lucy begins to fall in love with his brother, Jack (Bill Pullman) while they wait for his brother to wake up.

Featuring the iconic Chicago Christmas back-drop, many people haven’t seen this movie and it’s a shame, cause it’s great and everyone should watch it.

Best Scene:

Also, just a great quote:

"When Peter asked me, 'When did you fall in Love with Jack?' I told him, While You Were Sleeping."


3. The Holiday (2006).

Another classic Holiday Rom-Com, starring Cameron Diaz, Jack Black, Jude Law and Kate Winslet – this is the perfect, comfy, cozy holiday flick makes you want to curl up next to a warm fire with a cup of hot chocolate. The Holiday written and directed by Nancy Meyers stars Iris and Amanda as they both look to get away for the Holidays and end up switching homes for the week of Christmas (think Pre- Air BnB). Iris trying to get away from a a toxic relationship and inevitable heartbreak and Amanda attempting to distance herself from another failed relationship, they move away and fall in love (duh).

Best Scenes?

Iris telling off Jasper – “….wait, I need the lights on for this.”

Yes, please ^ more of this Kate Winslet.

And give me more of Jude Law - we want the old Jude Law back! Stay in your lane Jude, we don't need you in Marvel, we need you here!

Sorry, one more.

2. White Christmas (1954)

I mean, if you haven’t seen this, what are you watching every Christmas? Starring iconic performances from the most memorable actors/actresses at the time, White Christmas details the lives of Bob Wallace and Phil Davis who meet in World War II and become an iconic performing duet after V-Day. Coming across their old General and Inn in Vermot, they decide to bring their show up to the Hotel to bring business back. It’s a musical and its great. Bing Crosby, Danny Kaye, Rosemary Clooney (Aunt of George) and Vera Ellen all at the top of their game.

If you are looking for a trigger – take a look at the best performance in a musical, maybe ever?

Ehemmm. Yes.  

1. Love Actually (2003)

I mean this is a given – Christmas. In London. With Hugh Grant, Emma Thompson, Alan Rickman (RIP) Colin Firth, Keira Knightley and many, many more. This is the movie that Valentine’s Day and New Year’s Eve triiiied to be and failed. Told from almost seven different perspectives and storylines – Love Actually is a classic movie about finding love at the holiday’s.

I mean its almost impossible to pick the best scene! Is it the "To Me Your Are Perfect Scene?"

OR the Hugh Grant dancing scene?

Bill Nighy singing??

While the best scene is up for debate we can't talk abut Love Actually without mentioning one of the best performances in Emma Thompson’s long and accomplished career. Although a silent performance, it is one of the most moving scenes I’ve seen in a Rom-Com – watch here:

Nothing but love and respect for Dame Emma Thompson.

And to close, “Love Actually” features arguably one of the most opening lines in Rom-Com history:

“Whenever I get gloomy with the state of the world, I think about the arrivals gate at Heathrow Airport. General opinion's starting to make out that we live in a world of hatred and greed, but I don't see that. It seems to me that love is everywhere. Often it's not particularly dignified or newsworthy, but it's always there – fathers and sons, mothers and daughters, husbands and wives, boyfriends, girlfriends, old friends. When the planes hit the Twin Towers, as far as I know none of the phone calls from the people on board were messages of hate or revenge – they were all messages of love. If you look for it, I've got a sneaky feeling you'll find that love actually is all around.”

In Hugh Grant’s distinctive voice. Swooooon.

So in need of a new Christmas Rom-Com? Check them out.

And that’s the sitch.

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