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Ranking The Best Cold-Openers from "The Office."

Sadly, “The Office” has left Netflix and has transitioned over to Peacock. While you can still enjoy Seasons 1-2 Free on the Peacock Streaming Site, all the other seasons incur a pay-wall. And since Peacock really doesn’t have much to offer outside of its landmark shows, I am going to be re-capping some of the Best Cold Opens of “The Office” to help us get through this extremely difficult time.

Let’s dive in, shall we?

10. Time Prank - Season 5, Episode 28 “Company Picnic”

The episode of the Season 5 Finale before they depart for the Company Picnic and Volleyball tournament, the office pranks Michael when he passes out at lunch after eating a chicken pot pie. Sorry, let me re-phrase that, Michael ate an entire chicken pot pie. Sorry, one more time, Michael ate an entire family size, chicken pot pie for lunch. After passing out as his desk, Jim and Dwight coerce the rest of the office to bump the clock ups to 5 o’clock so that when Michael wakes up, the office can leave early.

Anyone else now craving a chicken pot pie?

9. Stanley - Season 7, Episode 6 “Costume Contest “

After Jim realizes that Stanley accidentally mistakes his cold orange juice with hot coffee, the rest of the office begins to wonder what else Stanley remains oblivious to throughout the day. The open consists of Andy answering crossword puzzle questions shirtless, Michael holding a meeting in the conference room backward and Dwight greeting Stanley with a Pony.

8. The Knock-Knock Joke - Season 5, Episode 19 “The Golden Ticket”

After interrupting Pam on a call, Michael makes the infamous “Buddha this bread” knock-knock joke. Dwight, interested in impressing Michael and joining in on the fun, approaches Michael with a different kind of knock-knock joke, the KGB version ending with a slap in the face. Michael thus, banning knock-knock jokes from the entire office, is intrigued when Jim stats a ding-dong joke, ending with a slap in the face for Dwight.

“We will ask the questions!”

7. Parkour! - Season 6, Episode 1 “Gossip”

Following the internet sensation by the same name, a wave of parkour enthusiasm hits the office. The entirety of this cold open consists of Michael, Dwight and Andy running around the office in hopes to complete a serious of obstacle courses where they try to get from Point a to Point B in the most creative way. The open starts with Dwight side saddling Andy and ends when Andy tries to jump off a box.

"We're right behind you, Andy!"

6. Devil Wears Prada – Season 4, Episode 7 “Money”

After discovering the power of Netflix, this was back when you ordered the DVDs online and they were delivered to your home, Michael becomes obsessed with the 2006 classic “The Devil Wears Prada.” Upon entering the office, Michael channels Miranda Priestly by throwing his coat at Pam, demanding steak for lunch and requiring Pam to get Armani on the phone. At the end of the open, Michael calls Pam “Macushla.” Pam realizes that he is now moved onto “Million Dollar Baby” and is fearing for her life.

"You're not going to Paris."

5. Toby Returns – Season 5, Episode 9 “Frame Toby”

“Good-bye Toby, it’s been nice. Hope you find your paradise.” When Toby returns from Costa Rica only a few months after departing, Michael discovers that Toby has re-occupied his position at Dunder Mifflin in HR. Thinking that everyone in the office is pulling a prank, Michael goes back to The Annex to investigate and creates one of the most memorable memes ever given to us from “The Office.”

"No, god no. Please god no. No. No. Noooooooooooooooooooooooo."

4. Meredith Hit & Run – Season 4, Episode 1 “Fun Run”

We start the cold open from Michael’s perspective as he informs the audience what he has been up to since the Season 3 Finale where Michael lost the job at corporate and Ryan got it. As Michael is commenting on his new life with Jan, he tells the audience he is “feeling very blessed” as he rounds the corner, hitting Meredith. Somehow, accident causes Michael to realize the dangers of rabies and strives to bring awareness to the very curable disease.

3. Jim Impersonates Dwight – Season 3, Episode 21 “Product Recall”

One of my favorite Jim pranks occurs in this episode. After Jim goes to the pharmacy and stumbles upon glasses that look like Dwight’s he realizes that to dress up as Dwight in the office will only cost him $11. After buying the clothes to look the part, Jim acts as Dwight before Dwight accuses him of “identity theft” and of course, reports it to Michael.

"Bears, Beats, Battlestar Galactica"

2. Kevin’s Famous Chili– Season 5, Episode 26 “Casual Friday”

We all love a good Kevin Malone moment and there is not one moment greater in the entire series of The Office than when Kevin explains his family’s Chili Recipe. After staying up all night to press the garlic and dice the tomatoes, Kevin carries the pot up two flights of stairs to share with the office. Before making it past the receptionist desk, Kevin spills the chili all over the floor.

“It’s probably the thing I do best.”

1. Fire Drill – Season 5, Episode 14 “Stress Relief”

After the employees at Dunder Mifflin refuse to take Dwight’s safety presentation seriously, Dwight decides to take matters into his own hands. Deciding that PowerPoint is in ineffective way to teach about fire safety, Dwight decides to re-create an actual scenario by creating a real fire. After lighting a cigarette and locking the doors, panic erupts in the office as Michael panics, Oscar tries to escape through the air vents and Stanley has a heart attack. Perhaps the greatest four minutes in a sitcom ever, The Fire Drill is hands down, the best cold-open from “The Office.”

"Oh my god, it's happening. Everybody stay calm. Stay f***** calm! Everybody just f***** calm down!"

So, that’s it. The Top 10 Best Cold Opens from “The Office.” Did I get them all? Let me know which one is your favorite!

And that’s the sitch.

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