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Your Favorite Rom-Com Gone Wrong - 'Monday' Movie Review

"Monday" is what happens after the credits roll in your idyllic favorite romantic comedy. Well, not always, but it does show the harsh and, sometimes, predictable the reality of what happens after a whirl-wind romance. When the sun comes up and you are left to deal with the consequences of your actions.

Sex, Sunshine and Sebastian Stan.

Have I piqued your interest yet? “Monday” is your favorite rom-com gone wrong. Buckle in as we tackle the extraordinarily difficult challenge of watching Sebastian Stan charm his way across your screen for the next two hours. (Sigh.)

Life is always sunny on the better side of Friday. But inevitably, every weekend ends and the dreaded Monday approaches and whether you like it or not, you have to face the consequences. Or in Mickey’s case (Sebastian Stan), you can run from them and ignore them until they blow up in your face.

Mickey has lived remote on the Island of Greece for the better part of a decade. Working and bouncing from island to island as an under-paid DJ, he is always looking for an excuse to party. His night’s end most typically with one-night stands and sex on the beach with strangers until he meets another fellow American, Chloe (Denise Gough) on her last night in Athens. The two virtual strangers end up hooking up on the beach to wake up the next morning in hand-cuffs.

Mickey has commitment issues, to put it mildly. Actually, he is a glorified man-child who is more preoccupied with finding the next party than settling into a serious lifestyle. While most of Mickey’s one-night stands end on the better side of Friday, something about Chloe makes him want to stay and risk it all when it comes to his attempt at a traditional relationship. Depicted as the perpetual man-child partier, unable to settle down, Mickey convinces Chloe to stay in Greece instead of returning home to America. It isn’t until they move in together after knowing each other for a weekend that the passion between them begins to fizzle as reality sets in and Monday looms around the corner.

Chloe becomes worried that history is repeating itself with Mickey, just with a new woman. And as she discovers that Mickey is unable, or unwilling to change, she realizes that Mickey’s one-night, drunken party hopping life isn’t sustainable and their lives together isn’t what either of them expected.

Told from continuous perspectives, the first part of the movie only captures Friday – Sunday, leaving the dreaded Monday off the table until the last twenty minutes of the movie when their relationship turns toxic. The hour and fifty-six-minute run time is a little long and sometimes un-necessary but the chemistry between Stan and Gough jumps from the screen and immediately invests you into their narrative.

Monday” is a slow burn, reminding you that even after the party and the comedown, life is waiting for you expectedly on the other side of Friday, no matter how hard you try to avoid it.

Movie Score: 7/10

And that’s the sitch.

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